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Bio-Identical Hormone

Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

FREE Event

March 28th | 5:30pm to 7:00pm

Hot Flashes | Poor Sleep | Sex Drive | Weight

Don't Let Hormones Get You Down

It's Time To...

Change the

Way You Feel!

Presented by Dr. Jen Ramaekers, PharmD

Wednesday - March 28th | 5:30PM to 7:00PM

2415 Osborne Drive East, Suite 100 - Hastings, NE

Registration Required by March 27th

Hormonal imbalance is more common than you might think. Don't be embarrassed, be educated and empowered by information provided during this presentation.

You Aren't Alone!

You Can Feel Better!

Join Us in Helping You!

This is a FREE event!

Presented By

Jen Ramaekers, PharmD

Register NOW

to get on the list

for the

NEXT seminar!